Street Peeps and Restraining Orders

Street Peeps and Restraining Orders

The first time he appeared, I was traveling at a high rate of speed, so my eyes weren’t a credible source of information. My neck proved his presence, straining to help survey the scene, as I was driving in the opposite direction than he was walking. Hours later, his vision lingered in my mind, infringing on the comfort of my regular routine.

The second time he appeared, my concern that a cane was his only companion became too much to bear. I called the police and told them about the old man walking on a highly-traveled thoroughfare. It didn’t seem right to let him continue walking roads that could lead to his death!

The third time I saw him, he was wearing a fluorescent, reflective vest. Then, a smile stretched across my face. I knew he, and his persistence, were a little more protected, if only by a small swatch of reflective fabric, because of my call to the authorities.

While watching the man doing his daily walk, it dawned on me that he is an excellent subject for the artistic genre called Street Photography. This is the art of noticing people and capturing the scenes of these strangers in their natural habitat. It’s done without the subject’s knowledge, making it a somewhat provocative form of photography. While doing some research on the topic, Captain Obvious authored an article where I learned, “Street photography does not necessitate the presence of a street, so asphalt need not be present in the final photograph.”

Despite my trepidation about trying street photography, I’m tempted to secure my camera on a tripod and capture the old man on one of his daily walks. Something about his determination remains in my mind far beyond what it probably should. And I know his story could best be told by photographs rather than words alone.

The point is,  we all encounter and observe people on our way to this place and that. Sometimes, we become more aware of people’s presence when, for reasons unknown, they disappear, and we no longer see them at all. But, if you think about it, we often see the same scenes during our daily routine, including the joggers, dog walkers, kids traveling to and from school, and delivery drivers running packages to front porches. Perhaps it’s possible that photographers possess an increased awareness of these people, simply by the nature the art form necessitates.

In my opinion, Street Photography takes courage. It isn’t like snapping photos of birds or butterflies. Mainly because animals are not known for seeking restraining orders. There’s a fine line between being a street photographer and being considered a stalker!

I think, for now, it’s best to keep my distance. Even if these strangers’ lives and mine are perfectly synchronized while we travel the same roads during our daily routine. Even if the other isn’t aware that I exist! It’s this mere fact, should street photography come calling, that might keep me safe from phone calls to the police and restraining orders.

Postscript:  I haven’t seen the elderly gentleman walking his usual route since the end of February. I’m left wondering what’s become of him. Wherever that place is, I trust he still takes a daily stroll, assisted by a walking stick, each stride leading further and further from his sofa.

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